Congratulations & Thank you to all who were pioneering this event for the kick off. I left TIGS 1976- 33 years ago.
Terharu apabila berjumpa dgn adik2 dari ASPUTIGS.The first to meet that day was M since I picked her up to go together.She could still remember her last visit to my place when I was still in Kg Pandan where my 2 boys were still small.Wow! she even remembered my Mee Rebus...which I could not even recalled. Brought her home to pick-up my daughter who was being assigned as photographer cum personal assistant and off course Nasi Lemak KKL..Sorry Mas.. could not stay long as we targetted to reach Putra Jaya by 12.30.Next time do come over with your family....Lots of things to catch up.
Reached Putrajaya and surprisingly we were the earliest.Great welcome from Z..who is still as sweet as she was teens .Introduced to her son who is studying at MMU ..M made herself at home searching for kuali to fry her karipap.
Then other drama episodes started..with Y,A,N and others arrived.Hugging each other.. laughing.. to see most of us have grown sideways and now with tudung.Trying to recapture the faces when most of us were teenagers then.
30++ years that we have left ASPUTIGS and our minds were locked to the faces when we were together..slowly....merged back those faces and the new faces now..the eyes, the nose,laughter,voice...somehow the unique feature of each of us slowly emerged. With the old photographs from the albums that were brought by some of us..we were back to those days incidents with laughters and everyone seems so busy flipping through the albums .
Sigh...some have left us forever..Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas roh2 mereka yang telah meninggalkan kita .Aw.. led the doa and prayers may Allah blessed our gathering..
We are proud to have amongst us who are Datin,doctorates,author,successful mums....
We didn't have much time to listen to each and everyone of us as everybody seem to talk at the same time.Never mind next session we'll try to arrange..a story telling session for each and everyone..
The food! Pot!It was good..Muffins,Nasi Lemak, satay, Doughnut,Mee Rebus,Frank..with special sauce..kuih talam,apam..fruit much
For the photographs please join the ASPUTIGS group in the facebook